
The Fourth Was Not the Last…

I have never done a blog post like this before, but I have a lot of important life updates that I hope to share, and to do it best, I have recorded videos of myself. The first is in March 2022 and may not seem to connect to the others that start in August, but it does! I hope you enjoy watching these videos and learning about my thought processes and experiences leading up to a huge life change coming to the Al-Bjaly family. We know God is leading and guiding us in the direction our family needs to go:

If you watched all of these, thank you. It means so much. Below are just a few pictures that capture our pregnancy journey so far! Much love to you all and thank you for caring!


These first two pictures are from August 14 when I found out I was pregnant.

In this photo, taken August 15, Jad and I were feeling happy that I heard the baby’s heartbeat at my first appointment.

I took these pictures August 16, because that day we realized that when Jad made this beautiful wall hanging years ago, he had left one open spot for a picture. He didn’t think anything of it at the time, but now it has new meaning for us.

These are my first ultrasound pics, taken August 18, where I found out my due date is March 29.

These pictures are from August 27 when I was blessed with free baby items. Eve picked out this red panda for the baby, but she’s keeping it safe for now in her room. 🙂

Eve took this picture of me on September 7. I often get really tired and have to lie down. I can fall asleep almost instantly.

Eve drew me this adorable picture yesterday, September 13. It’s the baby and me. She has been so sweet to me. She will be a wonderful big sister.


One response to “The Fourth Was Not the Last…”

  1. jad Avatar

    This brought tears to my eyes. I love our family and specially you.