
Tag: choose the right

  • More than just Terms of Endearment

    Casey, Rigel, and Kamren, you mean more to me than I could ever express to you. You are the boys that Heavenly Father saw fit to send to me. You made me a mother, and I want you to know that I am your biggest fan, and that I see the divine worth and potential in each of you. When you were little, I gave each of you a term of endearment. I hope to show you there is more to these than just a name, and I pray that you will use the attributes of your special names to become good and righteous men:


    My first born, Casey, you are my Bumblebee. This name came from a yellow sleeper you wore when you were an infant. It was my favorite outfit of yours as it brought out your shining eyes and sweet smile.  I knew it would characterize you perfectly.

    casey bumblebee

    I wish for you to be as your namesake – peaceful and unaggressive. Bumblebees do not harm others, unless they are defending themselves. I pray that you will be one who will defend righteous causes, but at the same time, desire peace and understanding with everyone around you.

    I wish for you to focus on what matters most, and labor diligently to bring forth much good fruit.


    You may not know, but one third all of all human food requires bee pollination. Without the bee, humans could not survive.

    bumble bee

    The crops bumblebees provide for humans, and the flowers they provide for other animals, bring them nourishment to live their lives to the fullest. I pray you will, through your good deeds and kind words, nourish the souls of those you meet and love.


    Bumblebees have tiny wings, and shouldn’t be able to fly, but they do it anyway, and they do it so well. I admonish you to never allow anyone to tell you that you can’t do something. You can do anything. You are a child of the most High, and if you follow His counsel, and the counsel of your parents, you can fulfill all of your righteous and worthy desires.

    not able to fly

    I love you, my Bumblebee.

    Shining Star

    My second born, Rigel, you are my Shining Star. You are so named because yours is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Orion. A peace comes to my heart each time we look at your star in the night sky together.


    I told you one night not long ago why you are my shining star. It is because of the light you bring to others through your good humor, your kindness, and your fun, friendly disposition. You are a friend to all.

    rigel star

    The words of a song, “Every Star is Different,” I wish for you to emulate:

    I can shine for others

    And let them feel my love,

    Follow the commandments

    That come from God above.

    I can help another

    To learn to choose the right.

    Having faith and courage

    Will let my star shine bright.

     star of bethlehem

    Remember the most important and most brilliant star ever to shine was the Star of Bethlehem. This star represented the light of Christ. It was a sign of His birth, and led the wise men to Him.

    star of bethlehem you

    You, through your words and deeds, can also lead others to Christ. I pray that you share the gospel every day of your life.

    light so shine

    Never hide your light, my son. Always let it shine and do good works.

    I love you, my Shining Star.


    My third born, Kamren, you are my Angel. I call you this because I believe angels helped bring you to this earth.

    kam angel
    Looking like an angel at 9 months old.

    There are many accounts in the scriptures of angels. God has used them throughout time for many reasons – to show love, concern and mercy, to bring messages of great importance, to warn, or to provide guidance.

    angel shepherds

    You may not be one of these angels, but as Jeffrey R. Holland, Apostle in the LDS church, said, “…not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with … Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind.”


    My Kamren, I pray that you will be kind, good and pure your whole life. You are already so sweet, affectionate and giving.

    Angels on earth also use their words, my son. Nephi, in the Book of Mormon, spoke of speaking with a new tongue – the tongue of angels, after being baptized and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. He said, “Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ (2 Nephi 32:2-3).”

    earth angel

    Kamren, how interesting it is that you do not speak many words now. However, the Spirit has testified to me, that someday, your voice will be strong and will ring with the Truth of Christ.

    Jeffrey R. Holland said, “Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity…With such words, spoken under the influence of the Spirit, tears can be dried, hearts can be healed, lives can be elevated, hope can return, confidence can prevail.”

    My Kamren, I know that you will bring hope, comfort, and peace to others as you exhibit these angelic qualities throughout your life.

    I love you, my Angel.


    Casey, Rigel, and Kamren – even if I do not always call you by these terms of endearment, these names and these hopes for you are always in my heart. I love you all with my whole soul, always and forever!

  • Live in the Light

    Say the word house to yourself. Now say the word home. The words feel different, don’t they?

    A house is a roof over your head, but a home is so much more. To me, home is a very special word. It indicates a place of belonging, a place of love, a place of safety, a place of sacrifice, and a place of peace.


    I want my family to always feel this way, and for their favorite place to be their home. I also wish for every visitor to my home to know they will be met with kindness, understanding, listening ears, fun, good food, safety, comfort, warmth, and hospitality.

    To be all these things, my home must shine brightly within and without, truly welcoming and embracing all that come to it.

    I love music. It soothes my soul, and enlightens my mind. I know five songs about light that remind me of how I can make my house a home and my home a heaven on earth:

    1. Like a Lighthouse, by Michael Webb

             Chorus: Like a lighthouse standing bold against the gray,

            Shining through the night to warn of dangers in our way.

            Like a lighthouse built on solid stone,

           Shedding light on weary seaman who have drifted far from home.


     To help make their home a sacred place, families must stand together in righteousness. They must be courageous and have integrity. They must build their foundation on the Lord, Jesus Christ. If they do this, then as the world becomes more and more wicked, and as Satan continues to tempt and to deceive, the people in these homes will be able to withstand the storms of life, and endure together. If a member of a family does stray from his foundation, then the home he came from will be there to help him find his way back.

    Should my children ever leave their solid foundation, I will continue to love them, pray for them, and reach out to them. I will never abandon my family, and my home will always be open to them.

    1. Candle on the Water, by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn

             Partial verse: A cold and friendless tide has found you
    Don’t let the stormy darkness pull you down
    I’ll paint a ray of hope around you
    Circling in the air
    Lighted by a prayer

     This song is also about a lighthouse, but is worth mentioning because the words hope and prayer are such essential characteristics of a sacred home. Families should never give up on each other. They should always hope for the well-being and safety of all. Each member of the family should be able to feel that hope, and also the hope that comes from the atonement of Jesus Christ.

    If I raise my children well, they will know that no matter what mistakes they make, or struggles they endure, Jesus Christ is their friend and advocate. Through Him, they may be made clean or whole again. We will be there for each other to bear testimony, and to offer encouragement and love.


    Everyone has heard the term that “families that pray together, stay together.” I have seen in my own life the power that comes from prayer, personally, as spouses, and as a family. I have seen changes of heart, and great miracles.

    1. Teach Me to Walk in the Light, by Clara McMaster
    1.  (Child) Teach me to walk in the light of his love;

          Teach me to pray to my Father above;

          Teach me to know of the things that are right;

         Teach me, teach me to walk in the light.

    1. (Parent) Come, little child, and together we’ll learn

          Of his commandments, that we may return

          Home to his presence, to live in his sight

         Always, always to walk in the light.

    1. (Both) Father in Heaven, we thank thee this day

         For loving guidance to show us the way.

        Grateful, we praise thee with songs of delight!

        Gladly, gladly we’ll walk in the light.

    This is a song that I grew up singing in church, and it always touches my heart. A child asks her parents to teach her to pray, choose the right ways, and to feel God’s love for her. A parent replies and says that they will learn together. If they follow the commandments, they will return to live with Him again. In the final verse, they pray to Heavenly Father and thank Him for His guidance. They willingly pledge to walk in His light.

    For a home to be filled with light, the members of that home must follow the light of Christ. As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our children in light and truth. If each member of a family strives to keep God’s commandments, and if pleasing Heavenly Father and praying to Him are a top priority, the Holy Spirit will dwell in that home.

    My home is not always a quiet, serene place. There is a lot of chaos, bickering, and complaining. However, there is also a lot of love for each other and for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. My husband and I may not be perfect examples all the time, but we do teach our children to serve others, love God, and keep His commandments. We teach them about the end goal of eternal life with our Heavenly Father. The Spirit is in our home, even if home life isn’t always serene. We have many sweet moments together.


    1. When there’s Love at Home, by John. H. McNaughton

         4th verse: Jesus, show Thy mercy mine,
    Then there’s love at home;
    Sweetly whisper I am Thine,
    Then there’s love at home.
    Source of love, Thy cheering light
    Far exceeds the sun so bright—
    Can dispel the gloom of night;
    Then there’s love at home;
    Love at home, love at home,
    Can dispel the gloom of night;
    Then there’s love at home.

    My Nana always sang the first verse of this song to her children when they fought with each other. I recently discovered a fourth verse to this song that I had never heard before. It beautifully illustrates how there will be love at home as we receive of Jesus’ mercy, love, and light. We can do this as we display pictures of Jesus in our homes, read our scriptures, pray to Heavenly Father, and make Christ’s atonement a personal part of our lives. If we know who we are, and hold on to our Heavenly family, there will be love and light in our earthly homes.

    My children know that they are children of God. They know He loves them, knows their names, and wants them to be happy. Because we all know that we are beloved to God, we feel more love for each other at home.


    1. A Light in the Heart, by Roger and Melanie Hoffman

         A light in the heart is a light in the home.

         A light in the home is a light in the town.

         A light in the town is a light in the nation.

        And light in the nations is light in the world.

        Keep the home light burning bright.

    This song is simple, but every time I listen to it, I feel the Holy Ghost, and tears fall down my cheeks. It helps me see that the goodness and light that come from one person, from one home, can affect the whole world. I believe this is true. I believe that to change the world, we need to start in the home. If the home is filled with love, sacrifice, spirituality, respect, and service, the people in that home will set the example for others. Then those people who are inspired by that example will help set the example for even more people.  It is a cycle that goes on forever. Witnessing kind acts and strong relationships will bring light to some, and then to the world.


     I love the quote “Believe there is good in the world.” I love the idea of being the good in the world even more. That is what we try to teach our children.

    be the good

    Homes are not just meant to just protect us physically, but to protect us spiritually. Within the walls of our homes are members of a family that we love, support, and protect. With the light of Christ, our homes can be sacred places, and safe havens from the world.


    My family was established March 6, 2010, and I want it to last forever. If we allow the Savior’s light to guide us, and make our homes reflect that light, our families can be eternal. I know this with all of my heart.

    This post is part of a blogger round-up! Read the tips and experiences these bloggers share in making their homes a sacred space.

    Defend the Sanctity of the Home Blogger Round-up: These bloggers offer their advice and experience on making their homes a sacred space.

    Mandy @ A Bliss Complete | Camille @ Chicken Scratch ‘n’ Sniff | Jen @ Lexical Creations

    Grace Lane @ Upheld | Jocelyn @ We Talk of Christ | Montserrat @ Cranial Hiccups

  • My Favorite Piece of Jewelry

    For Christmas this year, I asked my husband to get me something I already have. It’s a type of ring that has very special meaning to me. Recently I have felt a very strong desire to wear this ring, or one like it, every day of my life. No longer do I want to have to choose between wearing this ring and wearing other rings I love. I want to have two rings like this that will fit on different fingers.

    What kind of ring am I talking about? 
    The one I have now looks like this:
    It’s a simple looking ring, but it is so special to me. It isn’t special because of who gave it to me (I love you, Mom), or because it was very expensive, or even one of a kind. 

    It is special to me for a very different reason – wearing it helps remind me of the kind of person I want to be.

    The center of the ring is a shield, and in it are the letters CTR, which stand for Choose the Right. This means when faced with decisions, big or small, we will choose to do what Heavenly Father and Jesus would want us to do. 

    I have had a CTR ring since I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 8 years old. All newly baptized children receive this exact ring:
    As a child, I often sang a song called “Choose the Right Way,” which reminded me of my the meaning of my CTR ring… Choose the right way, and be happy. I must always choose the right.

    The CTR logo was actually inspired from a different song that I love in my church, called “Choose the Right.” My favorite verse says:
    Choose the right! There is peace in righteous doing.
    Choose the right! There’s safety for the soul.
    Choose the right in all labors you’re pursuing;
    Let God and heaven be your goal.
    To me, the shield on the CTR ring represents a spiritual armor we choose to wear that provides us with safety from Satan’s influences. 
    Paul told the Ephesians to put on the whole armor of God. To him, the shield was of utmost importance:
    Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

    It takes a lot of faith in God to make the right choices, even when they aren’t popular or easy. As the definition of good and right changes in society, we can look to God to retain the pure definitions. 

    An apostle from my church, L. Tom Perry, said something I truly believe: 

    There is power in a tie tack, a CTR ring, or a white dress hanging in the closet if we associate them with our desires for purity and righteousness. Even more important than physical reminders is to have the conviction deep down in our hearts to live the kind of life that will cause us to make the right choices, not only for peace and happiness in the world right now, but also for peace and happiness eternally.

    I have always associated my CTR ring with righteousness, but for some reason, now more than ever I have this conviction to do what is right. That doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes (I make many), but I truly desire to do my best, and to help others find the light I have. I also have a greater desire to forgive and seek forgiveness  to serve others, and to make friends everywhere I go.

    This CTR ring is not just a representation of things I think are good, but my CTR ring has become a part of me. I don’t like being without it, just as I don’t like being without my wedding ring. They are a part of who I am, and sacred commitments I have promised to always keep. 

    Do you have jewelry that has special meaning for you?