
Sabbath Day Light: A perfectly imperfect Father’s Day

This Father’s Day was very different than all the others. That’s because instead of being home, we were in Charlotte. At first, I was really kind of disappointed that we missed being at our church, where Casey, along with his peers, would have sung a beautiful song to the fathers. I was sad that I wasn’t able to make Jad a gourmet breakfast, or any good food at all. I also felt bad that we couldn’t spend time with my dad and the rest of the family to celebrate this special day.

It is a shame we missed out on all those Father’s Day traditions, but it actually ended up being a great day.

Even though we were out of town, we were blessed to be able to have a free breakfast at our hotel. It may not have been super impressive, but at least we could get a little extra sleep and concentrate on getting ready for church at this beautiful building.

I always love attending other LDS congregations when we travel, and this Sunday was no exception. We met very nice people, and enjoyed participating in our classes. I was even asked to lead the music in Relief Society, and more than one person after the lesson (including the teacher), thanked me for asking questions in class to help guide the discussion along. Jad was happy because the men got Father’s Day treats.

After church, we went back to the hotel and ate leftovers. Not too exciting, I know, but because we didn’t have to cook, there was more time for jumping on Daddy.

Then it was time for cards and presents.

        Rigel got a little jealous. He wanted a present too.

Jad is one of those sentimental men that really cherishes his family above any gift he could ever receive. He wanted pictures with those he loves most. We had to laugh at our kids’ expressions. Those are our kids all right.
One of the greatest gifts is the gift of song. Casey wasn’t able to sing to all the fathers in church, so he chose to sing just to Jad. Even though he was a little unsure, I thought it was the cutest thing.
After our little celebration, we decided to then get out of the hotel and go watch airplanes take off.
Did you know Jad has always dreamed of being a pilot?
Maybe one of the kids will be one some day…
If I had to guess, though,

I would pick Rigel.
Kamren got too hot and tired, so he and I retired to the car, while the rest of the boys went strong for a long time.
When they finally got in the car, Rigel cried and protested, saying “just one more.”
So, Daddy obliged.
What a day full of excitement! It wasn’t over yet. We needed to appreciate some beauty (and shade). Off to Freedom Park we went.
Gorgeous, isn’t it?
And since everyone looks better in nature, here is a pic of each of us.
Jad holding Rigel on his shoulders, as he often does.
Kamren climbing up on the bench. Climbing is his favorite activity.
Rigel frolicking. He has to get that energy out somehow.
Me, sitting on a bridge. I love bridges.
Casey being, er, moody. Nature usually looks better on him. 
Freedom Park overall was a success! It felt wonderful being outdoors enjoying God’s green earth.

When we returned to the hotel, we were hungry. All we had was some pasta, butter, cheese and spices. I did not feel very inspired to cook anything amazing, so Jad took a crack at it. Yes, my husband made his own Father’s Day dinner. 

Normally this would have bothered me, but since it was so yummy, it just made him that much more


on the inside.
He even washed the dishes after dinner. What a man.
The evening then wound down with pillow fights,
finger biting,

              Jonah and the Great Fish watching (as long as                            baby didn’t turn the DVD player off),

                         and finally, sleepy time cuddles.

So, even though we were in a smelly hotel away from home, Father’s Day 2014 was unforgettable because we were together, we were ourselves, and we were were filled with love towards each other, craziness and all. 


2 responses to “Sabbath Day Light: A perfectly imperfect Father’s Day”

  1. Jad Al-Bjaly Avatar

    I love reading this post, I love dear, and I love our family. Great job

    1. Mandy Al-Bjaly Avatar

      I love love love our family, and I love you!