
More Than the Tattooed Mormon

Before reading More Than the Tattooed Mormon, I didn’t know much about Al Fox Carraway. I had seen her pictures, found her intriguing, and figured she must have a pretty cool conversion story, but that was the extent of it.


But after just finishing her book (I read it all today), I feel a bond of sisterhood with her. She is so authentic, and her personality bursts from the pages. Her story is full of horrible trials – trials that often led her to yell at Heavenly Father until exhaustion would take over. I found so much strength from her as she said that the hard times are the most precious gems because during those times, God is closest to us.

I shed so many tears as I read this book, and not because of the trials she endured. Rather, [bctt tweet=”I cried as I felt the undeniable Spirit of God. “]Her experiences and her testimony strengthened mine. That is her goal, and God loves her for it.

I took tons of notes as I read the book. Al Carraway is so quotable because she is optimistic, passionate, motivational, and cares about others.

My favorite quote, that I think summarizes her story and ours is, “The one thing Heavenly Father and Satan have in common is that they both desire to have us” (page 44).

She described so many instances when Satan discouraged her, pulled her down, and made her want to turn back and give up. But, when she prayed, listened, and remembered God’s love for her, she was able to keep going even without understanding why.

I needed this book. I have been going through hard times in my life, and so many of her messages touched my heart and brightened my Spirit.

Al doesn’t like being called “The Tattooed Mormon.” Yes, she does have many tattoos on her body. But, as she so eloquently put it, Heavenly Father doesn’t see them, and that isn’t how He thinks of her. He doesn’t see our metaphorical “tattoos” either, as we change and become better.

From Al’s experiences, we can really feel that we are always worthy to pray, that we are more than our mistakes, that when we wait and trust, He won’t fail us, that the church is true, that God knows what is very best for us, that He will always deliver us before it is too late, that the Spirit is always there if we listen, and most importantly, that “Heavenly Father…loves, listens and helps [us] regardless of [our] flaws or shortcomings” (pg. 138).

Thank you, Al Carraway, for being you. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story. Thank you for sharing the gospel. Thank you for caring about my exaltation as much as your own. You are a blessed daughter of God.

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the book and author:

Al Fox Carraway has spent the last four years inspiring the world with her story of conversion, redemption, and finding faith. As a blogger and award-winning public speaker, her message has reached millions. This up-close look at her life will show you what it means to truly trust in the Lord.

You can purchase her book here.

You can read her blog here.