In the introduction to her book, Jessica Poe says how a mother’s role is sacred and divine, and brings many great blessings. However, that knowledge often takes a backseat in her mind, instead of being at the forefront. She asked if she was the only one who felt the way. I thought, “No, Jessica, you aren’t.”
I loved how she described her family as a “funny farm,” and how she longed to be one of those experienced, flawless super moms. But, then she said something obvious, yet profound: ‘“Super Moms” don’t exist.’
I felt a connection to her in just the first couple pages of her book because I am that mom with the crazy kids, who wishes I had it all together, and who sometimes get bogged down in the mundane aspects of motherhood instead of focusing on the divine.
The purpose of Poe’s book is to help each and every mother see the beauty and spiritual symbolism in every aspect of her daily life. The lessons we can learn from God can come from the simplest of experiences, and she puts that to the test.
In her book, each chapter represents an hour of time in one day. She talks about what happens in each hour, and reflects on the lessons she learns throughout the day as she strives to see with spiritual eyes. She also elaborates with scripture references and words from Latter-day prophets. At the end of each chapter, she gives us challenges for ourselves. I did not do the challenges yet, but I can see myself taking each chapter one at a time to improve myself as a mother and woman of God. Before a new chapter began, she inserted a passage from her journal.
I kept a highlighter with me while I read this book. I laughed a lot at the author’s wit, but I also marveled at her humble wisdom. For example, I loved the experiment she did in Chapter 2 just looking at herself in the mirror. At first, she focused on the outer, but that is what the world does. She thought very carefully about how Heavenly Father, the person who knows her best, would describe her. I struggle sometimes with the way I look, so having her be so straight-forward about the world’s verses the Lord’s way of describing us, brought perspective and peace.
I think my favorite chapter was when she took her kids to the sheep pasture, and it ended up seemingly as a total disaster. But, after taking her mom’s advice of taking a deep breath and laughing about it, it became a highlight of her day. I need to laugh more instead of taking everything so seriously.
As you read Poe’s book, you won’t sit there feeling bashed or ashamed. Not at all. She is so authentic in the way she writes, you know she is taking the journey right along with all of us. I felt a kindred spirit in her and appreciated her desire to help other women like her see their own divinity, and God’s hands in everything.
You will be uplifted as you read, and you will be fed. I hesitate to add any constructive criticism of such a beautiful idea come to life, but I did feel like the book was wordy at times. I felt that perhaps too many spiritual parallels were added, convoluting the book a bit. I also felt the lined journal entries disconnected from the chapters that preceded them. The thoughts were great, but I didn’t understand why they were inserted as they didn’t usually relate to the chapters. Perhaps one more read through and simplifying the book a bit would have been helpful.
I must say that overall, I loved the idea, and I loved her. I think all Christian women, LDS or not, should read this. I do feel that I have some new perspectives, and also some excellent exercises I can do help myself, and my family find more love, joy, and spirituality. Well done, Jessica Poe!
About the book:
Discover the divine purpose in your motherhood! Each inspiring chapter moves through another hour in a mother’s day, highlighting spiritually symbolic insights and describing how Christ is by your side even during the daily routine. From sun-up to bedtime, this entertaining and uplifting book will help you find the inherent divinity hidden in the every day details of motherhood.