
Casey’s 4th Grade Awards Ceremony

On Casey’s last day of school, June 12, 2015, parents were invited to go to their child’s classroom for class award ceremonies. I eagerly went, gratefully leaving the little ones with their Teta.

I was the only parent who came, and the whole process was incredibly informal, taking about five minutes.

Casey’s teacher, Ms. Lingle, gave out awards for a variety of reasons. Casey received four awards:

1. Perfect Attendance for the Year

2. Excellence for the Reading EOG

3. Excellence for the Math EOG

4. Paper plate award for Most Likely to Become President

I don’t know why, but I teared up when he got the paper plate award. He got his last, and I felt that it was such an honor that his classmates would see him as a worthy candidate for president.

I know that they are 4th graders, but that meant a lot to me. It made me feel that I am raising my son right.

I made Casey take pictures with his awards. I was, and am, so proud of him!